Monday, July 23, 2007

Green Death

GREEN DEATH greets millions of God’s human and animal children across America. Go to any mega-store, enter the lawn and garden section and you are immediately overwhelmed by the chemical smell of death.

So reads the introductory verbiage to, yes, A most curious place to be sure. The feel-good welcome continues:

Americans have been brain-washed into believing that unless their lawn looks like Astroturf, they are second-class citizens. Thus they load their shopping carts with hundreds of pounds of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other dangerous cancer-causing chemicals that they spread over their monoculture lawns.

Silly me, at first glance I thought this was a web site about green burials, which are becoming increasingly more popular as even those exiting this Earth are attempting to keep it happy and healthy.

It seems that the point is more along the lines of: "If you have a nicely manicured lawn in this day and age, chances are good to excellent that you have achieved this through the use of harsh chemicals and processes that are the equivalent of asking the Grim Reaper to come on in and set a spell."


I myself have no lawn, but if I did, I'd hate to think I was cultivating a beautiful swatch of the green, green grass of home at the expense of who knows how many children, animal or human (as the opening harangue notes).

Perhaps an email is in order to the site's creator:

This patriotic message if [sic] brought to you by George H. Russell


Let's make that yeesh a yikes.

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